
Morning Mix Pop Quiz Answers

Nov 15, 2017 | 5:35 PM


Previous Morning MIX Pop Quiz Questions and Answers

Question:  Over 70% of us will be guilty of doing this for the next two weeks.

Answer:  Writing the wrong year.


Question:  This year 25% of couples agreed NOT to do this on Christmas.

Answer:  Exchange Gifts


Question:  This is the #1 food people expect to have on an all-you-can-eat buffet!

Answer:  Fried Chicken


Question:  33% of people say this is their MOST peaceful place.

Answer:  Driving to Work


Question:  This is the number one most banned song at weddings this year.

Answer:  Chicken Dance


Question:  According to a recent study, parenting experts say this common form of punishment is also a form of child abuse.

Answer:  Timeout


Question:  Women do not feel comfortable doing this in a relationship until they have been together for over a year.

Answer:  Using the Bathroom With The Door Open


Question:  This is the number one thing moms wish there kids would do for them in the morning…

Answer:  Clean up there breakfast mess


Question:  This beverage is supposed to be a better post work out drink than gatorade.

Answer:  Chocolate Milk


Question:  In a recent survey women between the ages of 30 – 40 said they only had 4 types of these people in their life.

Answer:  Trustworthy


Question:  Doing this makes women appear 7 pounds lighter

Answer:  Going Tanning


Question:  80% of women in a relationship get suspicous when their significant other does this.

Answer:  Sends flowers


Question:  77% of people said that they would be way more productive in their job if they could do this.

Answer:  Work From Home


Question:  85% of us love the smell of this but the rest of us thinks it stinks.

Answer:  The Ocean


Question:  Other than a broken heart what is the most common subject of a country song?

Answer:  Dog


Question:  85 % of Moms say this was the best distraction while giving birth.

Answer:  Music


Question:  Jake the Jailbird is a not so well known character on this popular board game.

Answer:  Monopoly


Question:  20% of bosses in America think that if you do this at work you are lazy!

Answer:  Take a Lunch Break


Question:  45% of American workers want to change this everyday in their office.

Answer:  The Temperature


Question:  43% of Americans say they don’t want to know what this food is actually made out of…

Answer:  Hot Dogs


Question:  According to a new study Fathers with 2 or more kids spend 97% of their time doing this around the house.

Answer:  Turning Lights Off


Question:  The Average American eats 31 of these a year…

Answer:  Donuts


Question:  86% of people said they would break up with their partner if they didnt like this…

Answer:  Their dog


Question:  The average parent says they do this 156 times a year standing up.

Answer:  Eating a meal


Question:  According to a new report, this common item in your fridge can heal your sunburns.

Answer:  Milk


Question:  Over 70% of moms say they do not want to get this as a gift on Mothers day.

Answer:  Lingerie


Question:  What famous TV star says all of his trademark sweaters were made all by his mother?

Answer:  Mr Rogers


Question:  Over 60% of Mother say this is all they want for Mothers Day.

Answer:  A Nice Dinner


Question:  60% of us say we do this once a week on social media!

Answer:  Post something we regret


Question:  16% of people think if their partner does this it is considered cheating.

Answer:  Chatting to the opposite sex on social media


Question:  27% of us say we never do this while 6% of us say we do this every single day.

Answer:  Tell a Lie


Question:  This Candy Bar has 15 different flavors – including pear, green tea and wasabi!

Answer:  Kit – Kat


Question:  There have been over 1,000 different “special edition” versions of this game, and most of them have their own special pieces.

Answer:  MONOPOLY! 


Question:  Americans drink more of this beverage more than any other country in the world.

Answer:  OJ


Question:  This is the #1 thing that stresses out women over the age of 30.

Answer:  Money


Question:  17% of Americans use this unusual Tax deduction that involves moving their what?

Answer:  Pet


Question:  This is the #1 thing we should not eat according to Food Safety Experts!

Answer:  Buffets


Question:  Only 1 in 10 of us are doing this right now…

Answer:  Working our Dream Job


Question:  14% of Americans say they would never post this on their Facebook pages

Answer:  Pictures of Kids


Question:  This is the number one snack food found in over 50% of american workers desks…

Answer:  Crackers


Question:  Which is the only Disney animated film where the main character never speaks?

Answer:  Dumbo


Question:  This is the the #1 thing adults miss most about their childhoods!

Answer:  School Vacations / Class Trips


Question:  52% of American workers lose this at work more than 3 times a week.

Answer:  Temper


Question:  Hunter Ewen holds that Guiness Book of World Record for Blowing Up The Most WHAT?

Answer:  Balloons


Question:  According to Crayola dot com what is the most recognizable smell to not only adults but kids?

Answer:  Coffee


Question:  This is the most popular Easter candy in the US…

Answer:  Cadbury Creme Egg


Question:  The average American household will do this over 100 times every week.

Answer:  Open the Fridge


Question:  96% of homes in America have one of these in their homes right now!

Answer:  Bottle of Ketchup


Question:  The average American person does this 14 times a day but only an average of twice while at work.

Answer:  Laugh


Question:  This female comic turned actor turned talk show host and is in a league of her own celebrates her 56th birthday today, March 21st!

Answer:  Rosie Odonnell


Question:  On March 20th six years ago this movie was released and became the biggest box office flop in movie history losing $200 million.

Answer:  John Carter


Question: 50 years ago today a popular TV show starring Adam West aired for the last time.

Answer: BATMAN


Question:  The Average american will waste 6 hours at work doing this the next 3 days.

Answer:  Filling out a March Madness Bracket


Question:  124 years ago today this popular beverage was sold today.

Answer:  Coca Cola


Question:  In 1909 Kellogs offered the 1st cereal box toy.  What was it?

Answer:  A book!


Question:  What movie is celebrated on March 6th starring Jeff Bridges and is one of the most quoted movies of all time?

Answer:  Big Lebowski – The Day of the Dude


Monday, March 5th

Question:  What condiment does not have an expiration date?

Answer:  Honey


Thursday, March 1st

Question:  Even though this animated movie comes across as being in the future it actually takes place in 1962.

Answer:  The Incredibles


Tuesday, February 27th

Question:  Singer Cindy Wilson turns 63 today…what song/songs is she most famous for?

Answer:  Love Shack and Roam with the B-52’s


Monday, February 26th

Question:  The rights to this popular board game where sold for $500 back in 1964.

Answer:  Operation


Monday, January 8th & Tuesday, January 9th

Question:  92% of women said they do this when they wake up and NOT their significant other.

Answer:  Make the Bed


Thursday, January 4th

Question:  35% of American workers said they would rather have this than a pay raise.

Answer:  Have their boss fired


Tuesday, January 2nd & Wednesday, January 3rd

Question:  18% of people who did this on Christmas you will never know.

Answer:  Faked Liking Their Gift


Wednesday, December 20th

Question:  17% of women say of their significant other got them this as a gift for Christmas they would be offended.

Answer:  Lingerie


Tuesday, December 19th

Question:  In Poland what unusual thing is used to decorate a Christmas Tree?

Answer:  Spiders


Thursday, December 14th & Monday, December 18th

Question:  46% of people who celebrated Christmas last year actually did this on the holiday.

Answer:  Went to Church


Wednesday, December 13th

Question:  7% of people wait till the day before Christmas Eve to do this.

Answer:  Put Up The Xmas Tree


Monday, December 11th & Tuesday December, 12th

Question:  According to a recent study – the average American has 15 of these every day!

Answer:  Minutes of Free Time


Wednesday, December 6th

Question:  67% of people said they have never done this during Christmas but would do it if someone asked.

Answer:  Christmas Caroling


Tuesday, December 5th

Question:  47% of American workers say they would rather have this than what they actually receive for a Christmas bonus.

Answer:  An Extra Day Off


Monday, December 4th

Question:  78% of women will do this before going to their company Christmas party.

Answer:  Get a Facial


Tuesday, November 21st

Question:  Over 60% of people say this helps them get through the holidays.

Answer:  Drinking Alcohol


Monday, November 20th

Question:  67% of people say this will be on the table for Thanksgiving but only 28% of them will actually use them.

Answer:  Candles


Thursday, November 16th

Question:  A recent poll taken of Santa’s Helpers said this was Santa’s favorite cookie!

Answer:  Sugar Cookie 
