
217 Tales: Motorcycle Safety Month w/ Hall’s Harley-Davidson

By Kyle Hutchinson May 22, 2024 | 6:00 AM

The weather is getting warmer and motorcycles are coming out of hibernation. John Spalding talks with Diane Hughes at Hall’s Harley-Davidson about what motorists can do to help keep motorcyclists safe this season!

Whether you’re a driver or a rider, here are additional tips from the Motorcycle Safety Foundation can help you stay safe on the road:

Tips For Drivers

  1. Take your time and watch for motorcycles. Be sure to check your blind spots before changing lanes, and listen for motorcycles near you.
  2. Assume motorcyclists are closer than they look. Use extra precautions at night or during a storm.
  3. Keep a safe distance between you and a motorcyclist. Give them ample room to move on the road.
  4. Don’t assume a motorcyclist is changing lanes if you see them moving. Motorcyclists often shift in their lane as they drive. Sometimes, drivers mistake their movement for a lane change. Be careful when merging next to a motorcyclist. Let them pass ahead of you before moving.
  5. Don’t follow a motorcycle too close. Many drivers have a habit of riding too close to the vehicle in front of them. This bad habit is especially dangerous for motorcyclists. Leave a car’s distance between your vehicle and them at all times.

Tips For Motorcycle Riders

  1. Be visible. Wear bright-colored clothing and protective gear, especially if you’re driving at night.
  2. Always gear up for every ride. Some states don’t require you to wear a helmet while riding your bike, but it’s highly recommended. Well-fitted helmets save biker lives.
  3. When in doubt, drive offensively. Err on the side of caution and assume that most drivers don’t see you. Be prepared to brake or change lanes if needed. Of course, there’s only so much you can do, but it’s best to anticipate other drivers’ movements when possible.
  4. Inspect your bike before every ride. Make sure everything’s in working order before hitting the road. Don’t skip this step if you’re traveling cross-country.
  5. Pay attention to your surroundings. Be aware of any changes in the road, particularly if you’re unfamiliar with the area.

This episode of 217 Tales is sponsored by Bob Ridings — Serving Central Illinois For The Past 48 Years!


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