
Is this OLD MAN Fashion Trend OK?

By bondsy Jul 9, 2024 | 5:46 AM

Susha / Depositphotos.com

If you want to look young, hip, and trendy this summer, all you have to do is this…..

….. toss some socks on under those sandals.

A new poll found almost one in six Americans . . . and more than a quarter of young people . . . now think socks-with-sandals is a good look.

26% of people under 30 said it’s usually how they roll when they’ve got sandals on.  Another 11% are on the fence about it.

Only around 10% of people over 40 rock the sandals-and-socks look, and it’s even less common among seniors.

But that trend reverses when we’re talking about SNEAKERS.  Only 4% of young people like wearing sneakers WITHOUT socks, compared to 11% of seniors.

That makes sense, because once you’re over 65, who has the time . . . and the flexibility . . . for socks every day.



(YouGov / YouGov)


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